Stress-relief methods for every occasion

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Completely You: Health

Stress-relief methods for every occasion [Video Included]

By Derek Beres for completely You

Stress disrupts your body’s balance, throwing your nervous system out of whack. That’s why it can be hard to focus when you’re in a stressful situation — whether you have to speak in public or fight the clock to meet a deadline. but it’s crucial to learn how to relieve anxiety — not only for your personal success, but also for your health. A new Yale university study found that chronic anxiety reduces the size of your brain, leaving you prone to an variety of cognitive disorders.

To help you beat anxiety in every situation, I’ve rounded up my five favorite stress-relief methods. try them out and use them the next time you need to calm yourself fast.

1. five minutes before a big meeting, you’re feeling jittery and short of breath.
Stress-relief Method: Deep ExhalesWhen we’re stressed, we feel as if we can’t get enough air into our lungs. So we take rapid inhales, forgetting to exhale. but this technique backfires; it’s actually long, controlled exhales that calm your nervous system and bring it back to a kicked back state.

1. Inhale for a count of four.

2. Exhale for a count of eight.

3. continue for two to three minutes, or until you feel calm.

2. You’re about to give a presentation, and you can’t stop picturing all the things that could go wrong.
Stress-relief Method: alternate Nostril BreathingWhen you need to stop the what-ifs from taking control of your mind, try this stress-relief technique. It balances the ideal and left hemispheres of your body.

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1. sit easily and place your ideal index and middle fingers over your ideal nostril.

2. Inhale through the left nostril for a count of four.

3. close your left nostril and exhale through your ideal for the same count.

4. Take your next inhale through your ideal nostril, close the ideal and exhale through the left.

5. Repeat, inhaling from the left.

3. Fourteen minutes before deadline, your computer crashes.
Stress-relief Method: Circle BreathThis technique helps you focus your attention on the rhythm of your breath. By turning all your thoughts toward relaxing, your anxiety swiftly dissipates, and you regain your calm.

1. sit easily and place your ideal hand over your abdomen.

2. breathe in for a count of seven.

3. Exhale for a count of seven.

4. breathe smoothly and with control for at least two minutes.

4. You’re on a diet, and you find yourself at a party full of food.
Stress-relief Method: Cooling BreathThis technique gets ideal to putting out any inner fires you may be experiencing. It requires a twist of the tongue, so sneak away to a private spot (e.g., a bathroom) for a few minutes before you do it. I’ve practiced this on a number of occasions, and I guarantee it’s worth the trouble.

1. part your lips slightly and turn both sides of your tongue up toward the roofing of your mouth so it rolls up in a taco shape. (Not everyone is anatomically capable of doing this. If that’s the case with you, do your best to turn the sides of your tongue up so that the idea is resting near the roof.)

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2. Take a long inhale through your mouth.

3. Hold a moment, and then exhale through your nose.

4. continue for eight to 10 breaths in this fashion.

5. You finally made it home after a long day, but you can’t release the tension.
Stress-relief Method: stomach BreathingThis is a good, all-around anxiety relief method. For this technique, you need to lie down. That alone must be helpful in de-stressing you.

1. place your ideal hand over your chest and left hand on your abdomen.

2. As you inhale, notice if your chest ismagasabbra emelkedik, mint a hasa. Ha igen, lélegezzen mélyebbre, hogy az ellenkezője bekövetkezik.

3. Amikor a gyomrod emelkedik, a lélegzet a tüdő alsó részébe kerül, amely megnyugtatja az idegrendszert. Csukja be a szemét, és élvezze a pillanatot. A percen belül újra úgy kell érezned, mint te.

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